Maruti Suzuki India Ltd Chairman R C Bhargava said on Tuesday the company had not renewed the contracts of 3,000 temporary employees, as the automaker battled rising inventory amid a slowdown in demand.
Safety norms and higher taxes have "added substantially" to the cost of cars, affecting their affordability, Bhargava told shareholders at the company's annual general meeting.
With India's auto sales declining for the ninth straight month in July, more automotive manufacturers are laying off workers and temporarily halting production to keep costs in check, Reuters reported on Saturday.
ALSO READ: Slow down blues: Auto industries banking on new launches to revive demand
The company is on track to meet the country's new emission norms, adding that the company will move towards manufacturing compressed natural gas (CNG) and hybrid cars.
Maruti plans to increase CNG vehicles by 50% this year, Bhargava said.
Safety norms and higher taxes have "added substantially" to the cost of cars, affecting their affordability, Bhargava told shareholders at the company's annual general meeting.
With India's auto sales declining for the ninth straight month in July, more automotive manufacturers are laying off workers and temporarily halting production to keep costs in check, Reuters reported on Saturday.
ALSO READ: Slow down blues: Auto industries banking on new launches to revive demand
The company is on track to meet the country's new emission norms, adding that the company will move towards manufacturing compressed natural gas (CNG) and hybrid cars.
Maruti plans to increase CNG vehicles by 50% this year, Bhargava said.
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