Reliance Retail is everywhere, and its consumers can do just about everything - entertainment to payments and financial product purchase - that business model is hard to emulate, writes Arvind Singhal
Reliance Retail | Reliance Industries | E-commerce firms
Arvind Singhal
Last Updated at September 9, 2020 12:12 IST
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This article was published on January 23, 2020. It is being shared again because of the following developments: Silver Lake to invest Rs 7,500 cr in Reliance Retail for 1.75% equity KKR in advanced talks to invest $1 billion for stake in Reliance Retail For last several years, the buzzword in the world of retail is “omnichannel”.
However, the real big deal in the making is “omnipresent” (or “ubiquitous”) retail. Slowly but steadily some of the largest e-commerce companies such as Amazon and Alibaba have created their own proprietary ...
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