The S&P BSE Sensex gained 12 per cent in financial year 2018 (FY18), compared to a 16% rise in the previous corresponding period. Among individual stocks, around 20 scrips in the S&P BSE 500 index surged over 100 per cent in FY18.The S&P BSE Sensex gained 12 per cent in financial year 2018 (FY18), compared to a 16% rise in the previous corresponding period. Among individual stocks, around 20 scrips in the S&P BSE 500 index surged over 100 per cent in FY18.
The top gainers of FY18 include HEG that rallied 1,343 per cent, followed by Graphite India and Indiabulls Ventures that gained 573 per cent and 324 per cent respectively, Ace Equity data show.
Some of the other stocks that more than doubled investors’ wealth in FY18 include Avanti Feeds, Sterlite Technologies, Radico Khaitan, Indiabulls Real Estate, Avenue Supermarts, Nocil, NIIT Technologies, V-Mart, Adani Transmission and Rain Industries.
HEG had reported a robust performance during the first nine months (April-December) of current financial year 2017-18 (FY18), posted net profit of Rs 4,473 million. It had reported a net loss of Rs 466 million during the same period of FY17 and loss of Rs 500 million in entire FY17.
“HEG's debt has dropped to Rs 2billion, which is likely to be NIL in Q4FY18 itself. The company has been evaluating capacity expansion by 20ktpa depending on Needle Coke availability. Growth and diversification are also options for cash usage,” said analysts at Emkay Global in a recent report.
“Technology deterrence, physical set-up barrier and limited Needle Coke supply will restrict any new capacity addition at least for next two – three years. Therefore, we believe both offtake and realisation will continue to be robust and sustainable for the next few years,” they added.
Among losers, over 75 stocks in the BSE 500 slipped in the range of 20% to 80% in FY18. Top losers include Sintex Industries (down 82%), JBF Industries (down 67%), Siti Networks (down 59%) and Bank of Maharashtra (down 58%).
Top Gainers: BSE 500Stock Price (Rs)Stock Name 31-Mar-2017 27-Mar-2018 % ChangeHEG 222.85 3217.85 1343.95Graphite India 112.20 755.40 573.26Indiabulls Ventures 58.16 246.75 324.23VenkyS (India) 1017.50 3879.65 281.29Rain Industries 109.15 384.00 251.81Himadri Speciality Chemical 43.65 149.05 241.47Phillips Carbon Black 330.00 1093.95 231.50Adani Transmission 64.35 191.15 197.05Avanti Feeds 741.20 2192.75 195.84Bombay Dyeing 83.00 242.20 191.81Source: AceEquity
Top Losers: BSE 500Stock PriceStock Name 31-Mar-2017 27-Mar-2018 % ChangeAdvanced Enzyme Technologies 412.01 212.90 -48.33Dena Bank 38.40 19.20 -50.00Kwality 155.80 75.40 -51.60HDIL 81.85 39.30 -51.99Reliance Naval and Engineering 67.25 29.35 -56.36Indo Count Industries 196.85 84.90 -56.87Bank Of Maharashtra 33.60 14.00 -58.33Siti Networks 38.00 15.50 -59.21JBF Industries 277.85 90.65 -67.37Sintex Industries 105.80 18.35 -82.66Source: AceEquity
The top gainers of FY18 include HEG that rallied 1,343 per cent, followed by Graphite India and Indiabulls Ventures that gained 573 per cent and 324 per cent respectively, Ace Equity data show.
Some of the other stocks that more than doubled investors’ wealth in FY18 include Avanti Feeds, Sterlite Technologies, Radico Khaitan, Indiabulls Real Estate, Avenue Supermarts, Nocil, NIIT Technologies, V-Mart, Adani Transmission and Rain Industries.
HEG had reported a robust performance during the first nine months (April-December) of current financial year 2017-18 (FY18), posted net profit of Rs 4,473 million. It had reported a net loss of Rs 466 million during the same period of FY17 and loss of Rs 500 million in entire FY17.
“HEG's debt has dropped to Rs 2billion, which is likely to be NIL in Q4FY18 itself. The company has been evaluating capacity expansion by 20ktpa depending on Needle Coke availability. Growth and diversification are also options for cash usage,” said analysts at Emkay Global in a recent report.
“Technology deterrence, physical set-up barrier and limited Needle Coke supply will restrict any new capacity addition at least for next two – three years. Therefore, we believe both offtake and realisation will continue to be robust and sustainable for the next few years,” they added.
Among losers, over 75 stocks in the BSE 500 slipped in the range of 20% to 80% in FY18. Top losers include Sintex Industries (down 82%), JBF Industries (down 67%), Siti Networks (down 59%) and Bank of Maharashtra (down 58%).
Top Gainers: BSE 500Stock Price (Rs)Stock Name 31-Mar-2017 27-Mar-2018 % ChangeHEG 222.85 3217.85 1343.95Graphite India 112.20 755.40 573.26Indiabulls Ventures 58.16 246.75 324.23VenkyS (India) 1017.50 3879.65 281.29Rain Industries 109.15 384.00 251.81Himadri Speciality Chemical 43.65 149.05 241.47Phillips Carbon Black 330.00 1093.95 231.50Adani Transmission 64.35 191.15 197.05Avanti Feeds 741.20 2192.75 195.84Bombay Dyeing 83.00 242.20 191.81Source: AceEquity
Top Losers: BSE 500Stock PriceStock Name 31-Mar-2017 27-Mar-2018 % ChangeAdvanced Enzyme Technologies 412.01 212.90 -48.33Dena Bank 38.40 19.20 -50.00Kwality 155.80 75.40 -51.60HDIL 81.85 39.30 -51.99Reliance Naval and Engineering 67.25 29.35 -56.36Indo Count Industries 196.85 84.90 -56.87Bank Of Maharashtra 33.60 14.00 -58.33Siti Networks 38.00 15.50 -59.21JBF Industries 277.85 90.65 -67.37Sintex Industries 105.80 18.35 -82.66Source: AceEquity
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