Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) member and Union minister Smriti Irani on Thursday launched a scathing attack on Rahul Gandhi and the Congress, saying he increased his popularity on social media platforms by using bots from Uzbekistan and Russia. Irani was speaking at the India Economic Conclave in New Delhi. She also attacked former minister and Congress member Kapil Sibal over his land deals with a businessman investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in 2013 for alleged bribery.
Irani also said that the party was using technology to discriminate on caste basis and that it was time for India to have a policy for digital broadcasting and news. She would make some announcement in this regard very soon, she added.
The allegations come amid the controversy surrounding Cambridge Analytica, data breach as well as user's privacy being at stake over social media. According to Press Trust of India report, Irani spoke extensively on the issue attacking Rahul Gandhi and Congress party over the alleged use of technology to gain popularity.
On being quizzed by the media on Rahul Gandhi, Irani claimed that his own constituents didn't want to give him a chance, and for the first time in the past three years, all the local body elections and assembly seats have been lost by the Congress in Rahul's constituency.
That means that the people, he has been so-called serving for over a decade, know that this is a gentleman who does not deliver on promises of governance, on promises of progress, on promises of prosperity, according to media reports.
Rahul Gandhi was not the only one in Irani's accusations. The I&B minister did not leave any stone unturned to question Gandhi over Congress leader Kapil Sibal's alleged land dealing with a businessman who was investigated by the CBI in 2013 for alleged bribery.
ALSO READ: Congress' Kapil Sibal hits back at Smriti Irani over 'land scam' charges
Irani, referring to media reports, said that the pair got the ownership of a company, Grande Castello, from a person who was probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for bribery allegations at the time and against whom South African journalists had levelled charges of money laundering.
Later, the Congress leader dismissed the claims made by Irani, saying that it was a "legal" acquisition. According to ANI reports, Sibal rejected the allegations, saying, "A person who does not know the meaning of money laundering is making allegations? Yes, I bought the company, does anyone mind? I paid and did so from my earnings, tax for which was paid by me, but no one saw it. I paid income tax and all my records are in order."
Kabil Sibal lashed out at Irani saying that this was a sly attempt to divert public attention from key issues like the CBSE paper leak and data leak.
ALSO READ: Cambridge Analytica-Congress links: BJP seeks apology from Rahul Gandhi
"It is sad that a minister in this government is interested in raising non-issues, rather than the real issues of the people," Sibal said to media.
"I'm a little saddened that to divert the attention of the people, to the complete lack of application of mind and the utter carelessness of this ministry and government, she instead came out and asked Rahul Gandhi to explain," he said.
Key takeaways from Smriti Irani and Kapil Sibal slanging episode:
1. According to PTI, when Smriti Irani was asked about her views on taking on Gandhi again in Amethi in Lok Sabha elections 2019, she shot back saying that when one loses the local body and assembly elections, "the electorate is telling you not to come back".
On whether she will challenge Gandhi to a debate, Irani said: Well for a guy who has somebody else to handle his Twitter handle, will he debate me?... I need to throw out a challenge to an equal," reported PTI.
ALSO READ: Sibal counters Irani, says land acquisition 'legal'
2. Just hours after Irani's allegation on Kapil Sibal being involved in a land scam during his tenure as law minister in 2013, the Congress leader lashed out saying that it was a "legal" acquisition.
3. Sibal dismissed the allegations, saying, "A person who does not know the meaning of money laundering is making allegations? Yes, I bought the company, does anyone mind? I paid and did so from my earnings, tax for which was paid by me, but no one saw it. I paid income tax and all my records are in order."
4. "If you have a problem, ask me. Why are you asking Rahul Gandhi?" Sibal further asked.
5. According to ANI, Smriti Irani quoted earlier media reports to pint out Sibal's involvement in money laundering case and said, "Grande Castello, with no business in Financial Year 2013-14, commenced purchase of a piece of land, which eventually cost Rs 452.1 million. To fund this, the company raised interest-free loans and book overdrafts."
"Once the land was registered in the company's name in 2014-15, the company decided to revalue the aforesaid land based on the 'Market Value' as per valuation report obtained from the Government Registered valuer, thus raising the value of the land by Rs 437.9 million to Rs 890 million, almost doubling the value," she added.
Irani also said that the party was using technology to discriminate on caste basis and that it was time for India to have a policy for digital broadcasting and news. She would make some announcement in this regard very soon, she added.
The allegations come amid the controversy surrounding Cambridge Analytica, data breach as well as user's privacy being at stake over social media. According to Press Trust of India report, Irani spoke extensively on the issue attacking Rahul Gandhi and Congress party over the alleged use of technology to gain popularity.
On being quizzed by the media on Rahul Gandhi, Irani claimed that his own constituents didn't want to give him a chance, and for the first time in the past three years, all the local body elections and assembly seats have been lost by the Congress in Rahul's constituency.
That means that the people, he has been so-called serving for over a decade, know that this is a gentleman who does not deliver on promises of governance, on promises of progress, on promises of prosperity, according to media reports.
Rahul Gandhi was not the only one in Irani's accusations. The I&B minister did not leave any stone unturned to question Gandhi over Congress leader Kapil Sibal's alleged land dealing with a businessman who was investigated by the CBI in 2013 for alleged bribery.
ALSO READ: Congress' Kapil Sibal hits back at Smriti Irani over 'land scam' charges
Irani, referring to media reports, said that the pair got the ownership of a company, Grande Castello, from a person who was probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for bribery allegations at the time and against whom South African journalists had levelled charges of money laundering.
Later, the Congress leader dismissed the claims made by Irani, saying that it was a "legal" acquisition. According to ANI reports, Sibal rejected the allegations, saying, "A person who does not know the meaning of money laundering is making allegations? Yes, I bought the company, does anyone mind? I paid and did so from my earnings, tax for which was paid by me, but no one saw it. I paid income tax and all my records are in order."
Kabil Sibal lashed out at Irani saying that this was a sly attempt to divert public attention from key issues like the CBSE paper leak and data leak.
ALSO READ: Cambridge Analytica-Congress links: BJP seeks apology from Rahul Gandhi
"It is sad that a minister in this government is interested in raising non-issues, rather than the real issues of the people," Sibal said to media.
"I'm a little saddened that to divert the attention of the people, to the complete lack of application of mind and the utter carelessness of this ministry and government, she instead came out and asked Rahul Gandhi to explain," he said.
Key takeaways from Smriti Irani and Kapil Sibal slanging episode:
1. According to PTI, when Smriti Irani was asked about her views on taking on Gandhi again in Amethi in Lok Sabha elections 2019, she shot back saying that when one loses the local body and assembly elections, "the electorate is telling you not to come back".
On whether she will challenge Gandhi to a debate, Irani said: Well for a guy who has somebody else to handle his Twitter handle, will he debate me?... I need to throw out a challenge to an equal," reported PTI.
ALSO READ: Sibal counters Irani, says land acquisition 'legal'
2. Just hours after Irani's allegation on Kapil Sibal being involved in a land scam during his tenure as law minister in 2013, the Congress leader lashed out saying that it was a "legal" acquisition.
3. Sibal dismissed the allegations, saying, "A person who does not know the meaning of money laundering is making allegations? Yes, I bought the company, does anyone mind? I paid and did so from my earnings, tax for which was paid by me, but no one saw it. I paid income tax and all my records are in order."
4. "If you have a problem, ask me. Why are you asking Rahul Gandhi?" Sibal further asked.
5. According to ANI, Smriti Irani quoted earlier media reports to pint out Sibal's involvement in money laundering case and said, "Grande Castello, with no business in Financial Year 2013-14, commenced purchase of a piece of land, which eventually cost Rs 452.1 million. To fund this, the company raised interest-free loans and book overdrafts."
"Once the land was registered in the company's name in 2014-15, the company decided to revalue the aforesaid land based on the 'Market Value' as per valuation report obtained from the Government Registered valuer, thus raising the value of the land by Rs 437.9 million to Rs 890 million, almost doubling the value," she added.
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